Data Engineering

Getting the most optimal data storage and flow...

Data is one of the most important assets of clinical trials. It is the raw material that trials are based on. Like any other raw material, it has no value without proper processingData sourcing, traceability and usability are important aspects of data architecture and processing. The FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reproducibility) are used by ClinLine and are a good basis for improving the efficiency in data processing. This includes the technical aspects, proper and intelligent use of metadata and putting the right efficient procedures in place. We are experienced in finding, creating, and adapting the tools and the processes necessary to get the data FAIR, ultimately resulting in a smooth and efficient data process. This includes putting the right data architecture and storage capabilities in place. 
When improving efficiency, the privacy and governance of clinical data remains important. As the processing of this data is improved considerably, new privacy risks emerge and will be taken care of. 
We create the corresponding documentation and procedures for Good Data Processing Practices in line with your organization. Additionally, we offer services in data transformation and mapping from external data sources including real-world data. 

Like to know more? We are happy to share our ideas and thoughts with you. See our contact page or e-mail us at